Friday, March 21, 2014

Blue Letter 03.21.14

Dear SAA Families,
A couple of important notes, in addition to the Blue Letter:

Regarding the School Play -  [Reading this, knowing the story of St. Thomas More and seeing the photo attached of the LOVELY costumes, who would NOT want to come tomorrow night???]
Overheard today -- the play Director talking to the Asst. Superintendent of the Archdiocese, and in the teachers’ lounge: “This cast is remarkable.  It is the best group I have ever worked with.  They may have had the least experience of any cast, but there has never been a group so dedicated, so focused, as these student actors. It is thrilling to be a part of it.  I am so very proud to be able to work with them.” This is high praise from one who has directed so many plays over the last 30 years!

Two announcements regarding Medieval Day - MASS at 8:30 AM Tuesday Morning---make sure to eat early enough to make the 1 hour fast before holy communion. Please watch for an email request to the upper school families regarding food for the Medieval Day on Tuesday, March 25th.  Mrs. Grayson The SignUpGenius email pertains to UPPER Campus families only!  (I heard that sigh of relief, Lower Campus Moms!)
LOWER SCHOOL STUDENTS – K-3 will come to the upper school for the Grand Parade and afternoon challenges.  The knights and dames of Santa Paula will assist in the scoring of all the challenge points.  [Morning will be a normal day at lower school campus.  Pick-up will be from Upper School on Wells Road at 2:30.]

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Friday, March 14, 2014

Blue Letter 03.14.14

Dear SAA Families,
Attached are the following pages in this week's Blue Envelope:

Parent Teacher Conferences - Also, please know that next week, Thursday, March 20, and Friday, March 21, are the PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES.  This time we will have an OPEN-HOUSE FORMAT.  Most full-time teacher and some of the part-timers will be here from 3:00-5:00PM BOTH THOSE DAYS in order to meet with you.  There are no pre-scheduled times, just stop in.  Please keep the meetings short and to the point if there are other people waiting.  As always, please feel free to arrange meetings with any of us any time in order to speak in greater detail about anything.  [Mr. Van Hecke will be at WASC so may not be here Wednesday.  He will be there Thursday.]

Additionally - Prayer - I was reminded this morning about the horrible struggles for religious freedom going on around the world.  We are battling some in the US, but it takes on the shape of full-scale civil wars in some countries around the world, RIGHT NOW.  Great persecution and desecration's are happening in the Christian country of Venezuela, similar horrors can be found in the Middle East and Africa.  Let us to remember to pray for persecuted Christians around the world, as we pray for TRUE world peace in all the right ways!

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Friday, March 7, 2014

Blue Letter 03.07.14

Dear SAA Families,
Monastic Day Report - Friday was a lovely day.  We all achieved a deep silence...what a great experience for us all.


  • ST. PATRICK'S DAY- March 17th - see flyer. Lunchtime celebration for upper school. Green shirts and accessories for all grades. Print St. Patrick's Day Flyer
  • A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS- March 22nd - School play
  • MEDIEVAL DAY! - March 25th. A twist on our Annual Classics Day.  This year we learn and experience much about medieval times as we break up the whole school into teams and perform, compete and eat.  More info coming home this Friday.

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